Zooming into the Future

What We Do
A passion for creating engaging content and building engaged audiences

Start with how we can change the world using technology

Thinking outside the box…. after we’ve created the box

Team of experts create the solution

We bring a website or app to life through innovation and teamwork

We remove the complications and make the process simple

Sharing our wins with the world and proving it through transparent reports
Our Team
We are a close-knit family at Native Metrics. Our team is full of brilliant designers, marketers, analysts, and dreamers. We work hard to build websites and apps that change how we interact online. Our team strives to bring innovative technology and ideas to the world!
Our new ideas keep people engaged online.
Our team challenges the status quo.
We create to enhance your world.

Kristian Wilson
CEO, NativeMetrics
Our Brands

House Rich
There’s always money in real estate… and maybe more than you’re thinking.

The Best Years
The best is always yet to come.

Smart Choice Autos
Automotive can be fun, it can be frustrating, it can be a passion or it can just be functional. Whatever your angle: you’re covered.

Daily Discovery
Find what you didn’t even know you were looking for.

Scoop News
A curated news site that’s unconcerned with following the latest trend of news as entertainment.

Green Tree Search
A search engine that splits profits with OneTreePlanted to help change the world, one click at a time.

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